Sunday, July 29, 2012

!! Kerasal Nail Fungal Nail Renewal Treatment, 3 month supply, .33 oz

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Kerasal Nail Fungal Nail Renewal Treatment, 3 month supply, .33 oz

  • Urea Smoothes Nail
  • Propylene Glycol Softens Nail
  • Lactic Acid Alters Microenvironment

Product Description

About Kerasal Nail

Previously only available in Europe, Kerasal Fungal Nail Renewal Treatment is a topical formula that is clinically proven to rapidly improve the appearance of unsightly nails damaged by fungus or psoriasis. Kerasal Nail normalizes thickened nails, reduces nail discoloration, and softens and rehydrates brittle nails. Kerasal Nail has been developed by dermatologists in Sweden and is based on 15 years of targeted research and development.

Kerasal Nail's patented formula combines the keratolytic, nail-softening, and hydrating effects of propylene glycol, urea and lactic acid, to deeply penetrate the nail, and restore healthy appearance. Kerasal Nail is preservative free.

In a recent clinical study, almost 8 out of 10 users saw improvement in nail appearance within two weeks, and 92% of users reported improvement over an 8-week period. Duration of treatment varies according to severity, but in many cases 3 - 6 months of application may be required to achieve satisfactory results.

How Does Kerasal Nail Work?

Kerasal Nail's patented formula combines the keratolyctic, nail softening, and hydrating effects of propylene glycol, urea and lactic acid, using a unique technology that enables these beneficial ingredients to deeply penetrate the nail plate. By softening and carefully loosening the damaged layer of the nail, the nail surface becomes smoother, discoloration is reduced, and the nail's appearance is improved

Kerasal Nail Fungal Nail Renewal Treatment, 3 month supply, .33 oz

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