Tuesday, November 13, 2012

** Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil

Howdy everybody! I simply observed this good item, Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil . I believe this shop offer you good rate on this product. Below are certain info in Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil If in case you were seeking for Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil on sale, you should take a look at the product reviews as well as selling prices by click the link below.

Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil

  • 100% Pure, Therapeutic Grade!
  • A very powerful immune stimulant, helping to fight infections and promote clear skin.
  • Has become a popular natural ingredient in all kinds of shampoos, soaps (try our Rosemary Tea Tree Aromatherapy Soap) and ointments because of its amazing healing powers.
  • An excellent treatment for acne. One study found Tea Tree Oil to be just as effective as benzoyl peroxide, but without the negative side effects like redness and peeling. Can also treat minor wounds, encourage healing, and prevent infection, so you may want to add this versatile oil to your own first aid kit!
  • Read below in product description for more information!

Product Description

Tea tree oil has been used for years in traditional medicine and is very effective due to its ability to effectively fight against bacteria, fungi and viruses - a feat many other ingredients and chemicals cannot do alone. The use of tea tree oil has been the most significant in skincare. From troublesome skin conditions such as eczema and acne, to run of the mill cuts and bruises, tea tree oil is the ideal solution. When used to treat acne, tea tree oil reduces swelling, redness and scarring that commonly occur. This wonder oil even treats athlete's foot. If you suffer from cold sores, a dab of tea tree oil to the area in the early stages prevents the cold sore from getting worse or spreading. Both men and women who shave or wax often can find relief by applying a few drops of tea tree oil to the area to reduce redness or swelling. Massaging the oil into the skin can even eliminate ingrown hairs. Tea Tree Oil can be used daily without causing an imbalance in the natural bacterial flora on the skin. It has been used by the Australian Aborigines since the beginning of time for acne, oily skin, rashes, various infections, fungal diseases, dandruff, and itchy scalp.

Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil

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